
A simple and fun game of communication and movement.

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Everything you need to play this game

  • chairs

A step-by-step guide to play the game


You count how many people participate in the game and provide all the players with a chair.


Choose a person who will be called a zombie.


The chairs are placed randomly throughout the room.


One chair remains free.


All players sit on a chair, except for the zombie.


The zombie will have to cross the room from one end to the other end, towards the empty seat. The other players can move from one chair to another, with the goal to have the empty chair as far away as possible from the Zombie.


The game ends when the zombie manages to sit on an empty chair.

Extra game information

  • Players are not allowed to use their hands or feet to prevent the zombie from sitting, but can only use verbal communication.


There is no fixed number of players. But to make it fun, we think there must be a minimum of 5 players.

What people said about this game

Joke Verreth

Partnership Coordinator Europe & Latin America StreetwiZe • Mobile School BE

20 March, 2020


A fun and easy energiser! You can also play this game with newspapers. All players sit in a circle, on a (piece of) newspaper (or cartboard). In the circle, there is one more newspaper than there are players. One player stands in the middle of the circle. He needs to try to sit on the empty newspaper. The players in the circle keep moving around to try and prevent that from happening. If the player in the middle succeeds, one of the other players takes his place and the game starts again.

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