Blind square

Fun game that stimulates group dynamics and can also be used for team building and to increase involvement.

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PolishThis game was automatically translated from Polish. View in original language.

Everything you need to play this game

  • rope or string

A step-by-step guide to play the game


You tie the rope in a loop. Each participant in the group must grab the rope. Holding the rope, participants are supposed to make a square out of it. Only when they think they have a square, they can put the rope on the ground - under their feet, before the time is up.


In the second round they perform the same task, but with their eyes closed. They can talk to each other.


In the third round they have their eyes closed and they can't talk - only one person from the group can see and speak.

Extra game information

After playing, you can do participant evaluations and ask questions. It is worth asking questions directly related to group dynamics. If there have been arguments or changes, it's worth talking about.

  1. How did you feel doing this task?
  2. Which stage was more interesting for you?
  3. Who is the leader?
  4. What are his challenges?
  5. What is it like to listen to someone else's orders?


  1. You can have fun with a time limit to complete the task.
  2. With a limited time, a different group can only do one stage.

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