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Se numara cate persoane participa la joc si se folosesc tot atatea scaune.
Se alege o persoana si se numeste zombie.
Scaunele se aseaza aleatoriu in toata incaperea, fiecare cum vrea.
Un scaun ramane liber.
Toti jucatorii se aseaza pe un scaun, in afara de zombie.
Zombie-ul va trebui sa traverseze de la un capat pana la alt capat (si anume, scaunul gol).
Extra game information
Jocul se termina cand Zombie-ul reuseste sa se aseze pe un scaun.
Jucatorii se pot muta de pe un scaun pe altul, scopul fiind ca scaunul gol sa ramana in permanenta cat mai departe de Zombie.
Jucatorii nu au voie sa foloseasca mainile sau picioarele ca sa impiedice Zombie-ul sa se aseze, ci doar comunicarea verbala.
Nu este un numar fix de jucatori, trebuie sa fie minim 5.
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What people said about this game
Joke Verreth
Partnership Coordinator Europe & Latin America StreetwiZe • Mobile School BE
20 March, 2020
A fun and easy energiser! You can also play this game with newspapers. All players sit in a circle, on a (piece of) newspaper (or cartboard). In the circle, there is one more newspaper than there are players. One player stands in the middle of the circle. He needs to try to sit on the empty newspaper. The players in the circle keep moving around to try and prevent that from happening. If the player in the middle succeeds, one of the other players takes his place and the game starts again.
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