Your Favourite Poem

Create your own poem

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Everything you need to play this game

  • "- A selection of age-appropriate, uplifting poems or song lyrics - Paper - Large paper - Pens/ pencils - Access to internet and devices like smartphones or computers (optional)"

A step-by-step guide to play the game


 Gather the players in a comfortable space.


Explain that this activity is about using poetry to help us feel good and express our feelings in a safe way. Emphasize that there are no right or wrong answers and that everyone’s feelings are valid.


Start by reading a few short, positive poems aloud to the targetgroup.

Choose poems that are gentle, hopeful, and evoke positive imagery.

After each poem, ask the players how the poem made them feel.

Encourage open sharing but respect if some players prefer to stay quiet.


Give each player a piece of paper and a pen. Ask them to think about a happy or calm moment they have experienced and write a few words or draw a picture about it.


Now, as a group, create a collective poem where each player contributes a line or a word referring to the positive or calm experience he wrote down. Write the collective poem on a large piece of paper and display it in the space.

Extra game information

You can continue to work on the theme of poetry/song lyrics in several sessions by asking if they can bring a text/book/song next time.

Discussing texts is often an easy way to talk about emotions. Thinking about how others express emotions can help you better understand and express your own emotions.

Source: De speeltuin van de kindertherapeut Dominiek Huis in 't Veld-Verhoeven


- Ask the players to create a poem individually, based on their happy or calm moment. Suggest some rhyme schemes like AABB or ABAB to guide them in the process. Who feels comfortable, can share their creation afterwards with the group.

- Instead of a poem, you can also design your own song or rap.

- The players choose the lyrics of different poems/songs and apart of reading them to the group, they could choose the line that they most like, combine all the lines and try to create their own song/poem with the most favorite lyrics of all players.

Specific learning objectives

Express emotions and experiences through creative writing.

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