A Special Gift

Time for a special gift! Make a gift that represents a right from the Children's Rights Convention and share it with someone you care about.

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Everything you need to play this game

  • Paint
  • Crayons
  • Markers
  • Magazines
  • Paper
  • Copy of the Convention the rights of the child: UNICEF (n.d.). Convention on the rights of the child
  • Small papers with different rights of the Convention (see preparation in 'How to play')

A step-by-step guide to play the game

  1. Choose as many rights from the Convention on the Rights of the Child as there are players. Pick articles that are easiest to illustrate.
  2. Write each right on a small piece of paper and hide them in the room.

Explain that today the players will be looking for something very special, something worth looking for. As soon as they have found one piece of paper, they should sit down.


When all the papers have been found and everyone is seated, discuss with the players which right they have discovered. Explain that every child on this planet has rights and that these rights are some examples. The right they have found is now theirs and they have a responsibility to tell others about it.


They will do this by making gifts for other players. These gifts can be given to friends, siblings or others to make them aware of these important rights. The gifts can be drawings, paintings, sculptures or collages of photographs illustrating their assigned right. Players can also put a simple sentence on their piece to describe the right (e.g. "You have the right to play!").


These gifts can be wrapped and given to an acquaintance.

Extra game information

This game is part of the 'All Children, All Right(s)!' toolkit, which focuses on promoting children's rights.


  • Let the players choose their own right from the Convention, rather than having them find one.
  • Let the players explore other forms of art (graffiti, printmaking...).

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