Power Walk

We are all equal, but some are more equal than others.

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Everything you need to play this game

A step-by-step guide to play the game


Give each of the players a piece of paper of a character (see additional game info). Make sure there are enough characters for each participant and a balance between powerful and vulnerable characters.


Ask the players to line up at the back of the game room. This row is the starting point of the exercise.


Players should mentally visualise themselves in the role they have been given and imagine what their life might be like. Explain that the characters should remain secret until they are asked to reveal it.


Ask the participants to listen to the statements (see additional game information) being read out and for each statement to which their character can answer YES, they must take a step forward. If the answer is NO, they are not allowed to take a step.


After reading out the statements, ask the participants to look around the room. What do they notice?


Have each player read out their character. Have the participants at the front discuss why they are at the front and the participants at the back discuss why they are at the back (see discussion questions in extra game info).

Extra game information

  • Social worker, Male, Age 55
  • Shopkeeper and member of local government, Male, Age 43
  • Youth in transit from Syria, Male, Age 24
  • Police officer, Male, Age 60
  • University student, male, has a disability and needs a wheelchair, Age 20
  • Homeless man who has been living on the streets for years, 35 years
  • Female doctor from Bangladesh, migrant, 35 years.
  • Female teacher, 62 years
  • Single mother, widow, with three children aged 12, 6 and 2, 44 years
  • Female education minister, 32 years
  • Unemployed woman with long-term health problems, 50 years.
  • Newly graduated woman, just starting her first job as an accountant, 24 years.
  • Single child from Cameroon, 13 years.
  • Boy from the neighbourhood, goes to school and lives in a middle-income family, 7 years.
  • Boy whose mother recently died, goes to school, 14 years.
  • Child on the way from Syria, boy, travels with relatives, 5 years
  • Boy from a family whose parents are unemployed and struggle to provide food and resources for the family, 15 years.
  • Child on the way from Afghanistan, travelling with his parents, boy, 8 years old
  • Girl from Iraq caring for her mother who suffered severe trauma during migration, 14 years.
  • Girl from Syria, single, victim of human trafficking, 15 years.
  • Primary school girl, lives with her parents and they are a low-income family, 10 years old
  • Departing girl from Morocco, travelling with her family, 6 years
  • Travelling girl from Afghanistan, married to an older man, 13 years
  • Local girl going to school and living with her grandparents who are a middle-income family, 7 years.

  • I can influence government decisions.
  • I have access to health care when I need it.
  • I have a house where I can sleep at night.
  • I eat at least two full meals a day.
  • I am not at risk of sexual abuse or exploitation.
  • I decide how my household income is spent.
  • I can go to school.
  • The leader in my community listens to what I have to say.
  • I am treated well when I have to go to the police station or the authorities.
  • If I am hungry, I can buy food.
  • If I am arrested, I am not treated violently or roughly.
  • If I wanted to complain about how the police treated me, I know who I can go to for help.
  • I can read and write.
  • I can travel freely if I want to.
  • I can decide who I want to marry (or not marry).
  • If someone hurt me, I would know where to go for help.
  • I am not dependent on others for food or shelter.
  • If I lost my job, there is a social safety net that would help me.
  • If I lost my home, I would know who to go to for help.
  • If I went to someone on the street and asked for help, that person would help me.

Discussion questions
  • How did the people at the back feel when the others stepped forward?
  • How did the people in front feel when they stepped out in front of the others?
  • Could the participants who took no or only a few steps have their voices heard by the people in front? How could they be heard?
  • What is the position of girls and boys compared to the others in the power walk?
  • The distance between participants symbolises real distances or inequalities in communities. Which are they?

This game is part of the 'All Children, All Right(s)!' toolkit, which focuses on promoting the right to participation.

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