Silent Lines

During this pleasant warm-up game for all ages, players are invited to get to know each other better without talking.

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A step-by-step guide to play the game


Ask all players to form a circle and start by introducing them to the rule of silence. Stay in the circle for a while without talking before moving on to the next step.


Ask the players to line up in alphabetical order according to the first letter of their name. Remind them that the rule of silence applies and that they need to find a way to communicate in other ways! Write down A at one side and Z at the other to make it a bit easier. Once the participants have formed the line, you can ask them to say their names aloud.


Repeat the process, giving different conditions each time. Don't forget to define the two ends of the line.

Some examples:

  1. Eye colour
  2. Shoe size
  3. Age
  4. How do I feel today etc.

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