Why our rights are important to us! (Flower Mapping part 1)

The flower map is a simple visual tool which helps participants to think about why certain rights are important to them personally.

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A step-by-step guide to play the game


This session should be positive and engage with the particular theme that young people feel is most important to them. You should invite the young people to choose one of the three rights themes to focus on: Identity, Violence or Education. Make sure the group is clear about the meaning of the theme they are exploring before you start.


Give the participants some flipchart paper and pens – they can work together as a group or do their own individual work. Ask them to draw a flower – including its roots (see diagram) on the paper.  In the centre of the flower they should write their name/names.  At the roots of the flower they should write the right/theme they are looking at.


Explain that in this session we are thinking about why this right is important to them – what does it or would it mean if that right was actually realised in their lives?  Ask them to spend a few minutes thinking about this then invite them to share their thoughts with the group. Encourage them to think about whether they agree or disagree with what others are saying.  After each example and discussion, ask the participant who shared their thoughts initially to write / represent this in a petal on the flower. NB:  more petals can be added if necessary.


When the participants are ready, remind them that children – just like the flower – need a nurturing environment in which to grow and thrive. For example: a flower needs water and sunshine. Ask them to think about what else they need, in addition to the right/theme they are exploring, to enjoy the benefits they have shown in the petals. They can write these around the picture e.g. ‘we need the public/government to respect us’; ‘we need adults to listen to us’.


When you are ready, thank the group and explain that in the next session you will be revisiting the flowers. 

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