Game details
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Participants get into groups of three to five young people per group
Each group has a piece of flipchart paper and coloured pens or pencils
The group is asked to draw a map of places in their lives (such as home, school, drop-in centre, doctor, market, main square, etc). It does not need to be geographically accurate
Each group is asked to circle in green where they feel safe; and in red where they feel unsafe. Inform participants it is ok if they don’t agree – they can put a green and a red circle around a location
Give participants a few minutes to look at the finished maps.
Encourage discussion within and/or between the groups why certain places make them feel safe and unsafe.
Explain that the activity was to help participants identify and think about the safe places in their lives and that of their peers.
Duration: 45 minutes – 1 hour
Facilitator notes: Be aware, this exercise may bring out discussions on violence, which can be a sensitive topic for participants. It is important to have support staff to assist if anyone gets upset and to give participants the opportunity to leave if they choose. If a participant leaves, they need access to a safe space and a trusted adult to talk to.
To understand where street children feel safe and unsafe, and enable the young people to think about the safe places in their lives and consider the risks to their safety.
Sander Degeling
Partnership Coordinator Africa & Asia StreetwiZe • Mobile School BE
26 September, 2019
Very easy but extremely relevant activity to do with street-connected youth!
Mobile School NPO
Mobile School NPO BE
28 February, 2020
Great activity! As a variation, you can also do the activity one on one, give a rating to all the different spaces, or ask the children afterwards to make a drawing representing their 'ideal' safe space.
Don’t hesitate, share your feedback and help others to pick the right games. Tell us how it was and how the children reacted? Or do you have any advice for other players, a fun variation, a possible improvement?
We very much appreciate your effort in writing the review.
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