City of rights: board game through the city of children's rights

Discover and reflect on children's rights by playing the goose board through the City of Rights.

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A step-by-step guide to play the game


Gather a group of players in front of the City of Rights goose board. As an introduction, you can listen to the audio story linked to the City of Rights posters by scanning the QR code on the panel (optional).


Let each player take a pawn.


Place all players' pawns near the mayor's office (= the starting point).


Each player rolls the die. The player with the highest number gets to start the game.


When a player rolls the die, he advances the indicated number of spaces.


If the players land on a space with a drawing, they must carry out the corresponding task (see additional game information). If they land in an empty space, nothing happens.


Then the next player rolls the die.


The first player to reach the mayor's office again is the winner of the game!

Extra game information

There are different types of images/squares on the board. Read the information below to find out more about what each square means.

  • Dice symbol: roll the die again.
  • Red pictogram on a child's right: name a situation from the panel in which this right is violated.
  • Green pictogram on a child's right: name a situation from the panel in which this right is respected.
  • Activity boxes (5). You can think of your own games for these activities, but we have attached some examples below:
  1. Ball = sport. Eg Do a game!
  2. Pencil = drawing. Eg. Draw a situation shown on the poster and the other person has to guess what you have drawn.
  3. Cat = imitate. Eg. Imitate a situation shown on the poster and the other person has to guess which situation it is.
  4. Protest sign = protest chant. Eg. Find a situation that is being violated and make a protest slogan to make people aware.
  5. Guitar = singing. Eg. Make a song or slam poetry about a situation on the poster.
  • Switch: You may choose to swap your pawn's position with another pawn on the game board.
  • Character spaces: Find the corresponding character on the board and discuss what they do.
  • Dimension icons (light brown background): Find 3 situations related to this dimension and discuss.
  1. Development: person
  2. Protection: shield
  3. Survival: lifebuoy
  4. Participation: hands

  • Stop-hand: Wait a turn.

The City of Rights poster is the introductory goose board game for the All Children, All Rights package. On the panel, a goose board, the five main characters and different situations linked to children's rights are depicted to allow youth workers to introduce the topic in a fun and interactive way to their target group. The additional QR code links to an audio story to get more information on the panel and on the city. Some situations will be reused on other posters to make the link with the overview panel.

All children's rights icons used on the posters are created by UNICEF for their child-friendly version of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.


If you want to work explicitly with children and young people on duty bearers and their obligations in relation to children's rights, make sure you focus on duty bearers within the situations where rights are protected or violated.

Within the game, children look for a specific situation in which a right is violated or protected when they end on a red or green icon. Help the children discuss duty bearers using the following questions:

  • Which people do you come into contact with within this situation? Who are the duty bearers in this particular situation?
  • What are the responsibilities and obligations of the duty bearers in this situation? What should they do in this situation to fulfil your rights?
  • Have you ever experienced a similar situation? How did the different stakeholders react then?
  • ...

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