Serenity Spa: A Journey of Relaxation

Explore the art of self-massage and bring relaxation to others through massage techniques.

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Everything you need to play this game

  • Box
  • All types of brushes
  • Towels
  • Different types of clothes with different textures
  • Small balls
  • Balloons
  • Gloves
  • Feathers
  • Body lotion
  • Blankets or soft mats

Make it yourself


Step 1

Create your own Serenity Spa Box

Take a box and put in all kinds of brushes, towels, different kinds of clothes with different textures, balls, balloons, gloves, feathers … If you want to, you can decorate the box with paint, stickers, …

Good job!

A step-by-step guide to play the game


Set up a designated area for the game with soft mats or blankets laid out. Dim the lights (if possible), play soft music if desired, and create a calm atmosphere to help the players relax.


Place the Serenity Spa box in the middle of the room.


Begin the game by introducing the concept of relaxation and the importance of taking care of our bodies.


Invite the players to explore different textures and materials in the Serenity Spa box. Encourage them to touch and feel the different materials.


Divide the players into teams or pairs, depending on the number of players. 


Explain that they will take turns giving and receiving massages.


Before starting, demonstrate a few simple massage techniques that the players can use, such as gentle rubbing, stroking, or tapping. 


Encourage all players to be mindful of their partner's comfort and to communicate if they prefer a lighter or firmer touch. Before they start, they should ALWAYS ask permission if they can give them a massage and on what part of their body (hand, arm, back, face, shoulders, head...). And remember, no means no.


When the game ends and everyone who wanted to received a massage, lead a brief discussion about how the massages made them feel and the importance of relaxation and self-care. Encourage them to share any favourite massage techniques they discovered during the game.

Extra game information

Be mindful of the environment and the reactions of the players. Also, keep cultural sensitivity in mind.


Individual massage or self-massage:

Show the players working individually how to massage their hand by demonstrating the technique on your own hand. Use slow, gentle movements to rub, knead, and stroke the hand and fingers. Begin by gently stretching the fingers and hand to warm up the muscles and increase flexibility. Encourage the child to wiggle their fingers and rotate their wrists in both directions. Teach the child some basic massage techniques that they can use on their own hand, such as: 

  • Using their thumb to apply gentle pressure in circular motions on the palm of their hand. 
  • Massaging each finger individually by gently squeezing and rolling them between their thumb and fingers. 
  • Rubbing the back of their hand with their opposite hand using long, smooth strokes.
  • Applying gentle pressure to the base of each finger with their opposite thumb and holding for a few seconds before releasing.

Massage train:

The players form a 'train' by sitting down in a line or circle, with each player looking at the back of the player in front of him. All the players start giving a massage to the player in front of him, while also receiving a massage from the player behind him.

Specific learning objectives

  • Learn relaxation techniques.

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