Team's box

Let's use our imagination in order to brake the ice and know each other!

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Everything you need to play this game

  • A box

A step-by-step guide to play the game


Firstly We make a circle.

Then the street worker keeps the box, introduce himself/herself and makes a prediction for the inside of the box


The kid next to the street worker takes the box, introduce itself and makes also a prediction.


The game continues until all the children introduce themselves.

Extra game information

Indicative questions that the street worker can make in order to stimulate children's imagination:

  1. What's in the box?
  2. Does it belong to someone?
  3. Who is he/she?
  4. Where is he/she now?
  5. Is that box yours?
  6. If you where a box, what do you want to put inside?

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