The web of dating

A fun dating game that will "hook" us all!

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Everything you need to play this game

  • 1 wool skein

A step-by-step guide to play the game

  • The children sit in a circle with the street worker.
  • The street worker holds the woolen skein and recommends saying his name and something that characterizes him (favorite color, hobbies, etc.)

  • She then holds one edge of the skein and throws the rest to a child to get herself introduced.
  • After the child is introduced, he holds one edge of the skein and throws the rest to another.

  • This process continues until all children are recommended.
  • In the end, a web has been created that connects all the children and the street worker.
  • The last child to speak begins to pick up the skein and any child who arrives first must remember something he said about himself.
  • That kid takes the thread and does the same until we wrap the whole skein.

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