Pair up!

A quick and easy way to make pairs when working with large groups.

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A step-by-step guide to play the game


Find the person with the most similar shoes to yours. Give this person a high five! Remember who it is.


Find the person who's outfit best matches your outfit. Give this person a fist bump! Remember who it is.


Find the person who's hair is most similar to yours. Give this person a handshake. Remember who it is.


Whenever you need the group to work or play in pairs during the day (or course, or teambuilding, or camp,...) you can say 'Find your high-five-buddy' or 'Find your first-bump-buddy' or 'Find your handshake-buddy', and you instantly have divided the whole group in pairs.


You can be creative with the ways to pair up. In stead of shoes, clothes, hair, you could think of hobbys, favorite animals, color of your eyes, home town,... depending on the context in which you are using this method.

What people said about this game

Mobile School NPO

Mobile School NPO BE

31 October, 2019


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