The Mobile Art Factory

Teenagers creating bracelets and start thinking about the opportunity to generate revenue from the products made.

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Everything you need to play this game

  • Ropes in different colours
  • Scissors
  • Ruler
  • Wooden sticks
  • Pencils
  • Cardboard
  • Glue
  • Magazines

Make it yourself


Step 1

Create a mood board
  • Cut out pictures of bracelets
  • Glue them on the cardboard
  • Decorate the mood board with whatever you want.
Good job!

A step-by-step guide to play the game


Prepare the materials: ropes, scissors, etc.


Gather the kids at a quiet place and welcome them. Ask if they would like to create bracelets.


Explain what they will do, the process and agreements in the collaboration (f. ex. line up to choose the colour one by one, cut the ropes in the correct length...)


Demonstrate the technique and show it step by step.


When most of the kids made 1 or 2 bracelets, keep 15 minutes to debrief and talk about the possibilities to create a project/business, supported by the mobile school (f. ex. for whom can we make bracelets? Where and how can we sell them? Who can help you? What could you do with the money?, etc.)


In the long-term the kids are discovering that creating objects could lead to a positive way of revenue generation.

Extra game information

A mood board to show the kids what you are going to make. Consists of pictures of bracelets, a company name, some words to describe it, etc.


You can also learn the kids to make necklaces, rings, earrings...

Specific learning objectives

  • Helping to build on self-esteem
  • Learning to share materials and knowledge
  • Stimulates long-term thinking

What people said about this game

Vicky Konstantinidou

Project Coordinator Ladies Union of Drama GR

12 September, 2019


Nice and artsy game! Really helpful to improve children's self-esteem!

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