
The PINLINER game is a new way of drawing pictures by aligning ropes on a pin board.

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Everything you need to play this game

  • Nails
  • Wooden panel
  • Hammer
  • Ruler
  • Rope in different colours
  • Scissor
  • (Coloured) paper
  • Pencils
  • Stickers

Make it yourself


Step 1

Create a background for the wooden panel
  • Use coloured paper, pencils, stickers to make a background for your wooden panel.

Step 2

Make a grid on the wooden panel
  • Measure the wooden panel.
  • Take a pencil and point every 1cm vertically and horizontally.


Step 3

Hammer the nails into the wooden panel
  • You can use a peg to grab the nail and make sure all the nails are hit at the same height into the panel.
Good job!

A step-by-step guide to play the game


Let the kids put the ropes to the appropriate position on the pinliner board so they can create the image as shown in the instructions aside.

Extra game information

Panel = made of wood with 121 pins on it in a matrix order of 11 x 11 pins

Distance between the pins = 5 cm


  • Connecting colours with the rope (f. ex. triangle, square)
  • Connecting numbers with the rope (f. ex. house)
  • Connecting letters with the rope (f. ex. windmill)
  • Using a matrix position: combine letters (rows) with numbers (columns) based on the instruction on the board. Write the column position description on top of the panel and the row position description on the left side of the panel.

Specific learning objectives

  • Learning to concentrate on a task until it is finished

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