Hide and seek - Rescue your friends

Exciting cooperative variation on the traditional hide and seek game

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Everything you need to play this game

  • ball

A step-by-step guide to play the game


Choose one player to be the seeker in the game. Put the ball next to the seeker on the ground.


The seeker counts till 50 with his eyes closed. The other players hide themselves.


The seeker starts looking for the other players and can walk around to find them.

When the seeker finds someone, he has to run back to the ball and call out that player's name.

That player has been caught and needs to go to the ball and stay there.


If a player who has been found by the seeker, can kick the ball away before the seeker can reach it to call his name, the game will end or can start over.


The one who can kick the ball away will be the new seeker, or you just repeat the game with the same seeker.

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