The Annual Paralympics

Are you ready for the annual Paralympics?

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Everything you need to play this game

  • Basketball
  • Headphones with music
  • Parkour materials
  • Other materials (depending on the games you want to play)
  • Cards with disabilities

Make it yourself


Step 1

Create cards with disabilities

Cut some paper and create some cards which indicate a disability. You can do this by drawing or writing.

Good job!

A step-by-step guide to play the game


Assemble the participants in a circle and inquire about their knowledge of the Paralympic games. Allow someone to explain if they are familiar with it, or provide an explanation yourself if no one is familiar. Emphasise that individuals with disabilities have the right to live a fulfilling life in society, including participating in sports.


Announce the start of the annual Paralympics and inform the players that they will form their own teams by playing different games while experiencing a "disability".


Play several games (see additional game information) and let the players in each game draw cards to determine the disability they will have while playing the game.


After completing the games, gather the players in a circle and engage in a discussion about their experiences (see additional game info).

Extra game information

Definition Paralympics = A series of international competitions for athletes with disabilities and is held after the Summer and Winter Olympic Games.

Games (examples)

  • Basketball

Possible disabilities: missing an arm, missing a leg

  • Parkour

Possible disabilities: having a visual impairment

  • Guess the word

Possible disabilities: having a hearing impairment

  • ...

Debriefing and evaluation

Explain that everyone has the right to develop, which is why Paralympics are important because they are adapted to the strengths of people with certain disabilities. This way, they too can develop in top-level sport.

Establish stereotypes based on disability using questions such as:

  • What did you think of people with disabilities before this competition?
  • What do you think after this competition?
  • How do you think people with disabilities want to be treated? Think of a disability, for example someone in a wheelchair. Then think about your school, your neighbourhood, ... What facilities do they have for people with disabilities? For example, a lift, a ramp to enter a shop.
  • Do you tend to think that people with disabilities always want or need your help? 

Tips for the facilitator

  • Balance the discussion about people with disabilities' need for help with an affirmation of their ability to do many things themselves.
  • Emphasise that people with disabilities have the same basic needs and rights as everyone else.

Source: Ward, H. (2021, 18 augustus). Teaching Children About the Paralympics. Twinkl.

This game is part of the 'All Children, All Right(s)!' toolkit, which focuses on promoting the right to development.

Specific learning objectives

  • Learning about the right to development.
  • Learning to reflect on the topic: people with a disability.

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