All birds are flying

A funny running game.

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A step-by-step guide to play the game


All participants stand on one side of a defined terrain.

One game leader at the side and shouts eg: "All birds are flying". Can birds fly? Yes. Then the participants can go over.


The game leader invents new animals. Eg "all bats are flying".

When something is called that cannot fly, everyone stops, eg. "all cows are flying".


If someone does walk over, then that player has to leave the game (temporarily).


This game can also be played locally. Everyone sits together and makes flight movements. The game leader calls different assignments in quick succession. As long as it is animals that can fly, everyone keeps fluttering. If he shouts something that cannot fly, the arms / wings are kept still. Whoever does fly is out of the game.

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Nice game, few rules, no materials

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