Word Olympics

Be the first team to collect all the letters of a word around the mobile school during this active literacy activity!

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Everything you need to play this game

  • Pens
  • Papers
  • Scissors
  • 2x Split Pen
  • 3 Carton Boards
  • Fasteners (Velcro)

Make it yourself


Step 1

Board 1: Object Wheel
  • Cut a square shape out of a carton board
  • Draw a big circle on the square carton board
  • Cut out an arrow (the same size as the circle) of the leftover carton
  • Attach the arrow with a split pen in the middle of the circle, so you get a spinning disc.
  • Draw or stick 11 or 12 objects to the carton board, around the disc (for example: table, dog, bed, chair, doctor)
  • Write the words of the objects below the images.

Step 2

Board 2: Task Wheel
  • Cut a square shape out of a carton board
  • Draw a big circle on the square carton board
  • Cut out an arrow (the same size as the circle) of the leftover carton
  • Attach the arrow with a split pen in the middle of the circle, so you get a spinning disc.
  • Draw 3 or 4 tasks around the circle. Repeat each task twice, so you get 6 or 8 images around the circle. The tasks can be: being blindfolded, do the wheelbarrow, running back-to-back, standing on one leg...

Step 3

Board 3: Scoreboard
  • Cut out a rectangular shape of a carton board
  • Divide the board in 2 with a pen. Each side will be the score board for one team.
  • Create 6 or 7 squares on each side of the board.
  • Attach fastener (or velcro) to each of the squares so the children can stick letters to it.

Step 4

Separate letters (or images)

Write all the individual letters of all the words on separate papers or post-its (for ex. T-A-B-L-E). If letters are too difficult for your target group, you can also print the same images as you'll find on the object wheel, on separate papers.

Good job!

A step-by-step guide to play the game


Divide the group of players in two teams. Spread the separate papers with the letters (or the images) around. Make sure to make use of the space available to make the game more challenging.


The first player of each group steps forward. One of them spins the object wheel, the other one spins the task wheel.


The arrow will land on an object (for ex. table) and on a task (for ex. blindfolded). Now the two players are blindfolded, and they need to find the letters of TABLE while searching the papers. The other team players can guide and help the player by shouting directions.


The player who is the first to attach all the letters (or the image) of the word to the scoreboard gets one point!


Repeat the process until a team has reached 5 points or until all 11 words are found. The team with the highest score wins the game.


Instead of spreading all the letters, you can equally print the image of the words or objects on separate papers. This way, the game is more accessible for young children. In this case, a child just needs to find the correct image.

Specific learning objectives

  • How to spell words

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