More round

It is fun, interactive, entertaining and also act as an energizer.

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Everything you need to play this game

  • A pair of shoes or a small ball, cone,...

A step-by-step guide to play the game


Form a square from 10 metres on 10 metres with cones.


Place an object on each corner of the square.


All the children should be grouped into four teams.


Each group has to pick one representative to start in one of the corners where the object has been placed.


A whistle will be blown and their representative will run around the other corner and pick the object ahead of him and move it to the other corner. You need to be fast so that you can not be caught by the person behind you.


If you have been caught by the person behind you, you are out of the game and another person of your team joins the game.

Specific learning objectives

  • Boost concentration
  • Entertainment
  • Stimulate need to perform and compete
  • Energizer

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