
Discover different types of employment and self-employment with this creative discussion panel.

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Ask the player what he knows about the professions on the panel. Suggested questions:

  • Which of these professions do you know?
  • Can you tell a story about a situation in which you came in contact with this profession?

Allow the player to express his experiences and emotions in relation with the different professions. Suggested questions:

  • Which professions do you like? Which don't you like?
  • Which professions would you like to do? Why?

Discuss with the player how he can go from self-employment to employment and the other way around (e.g. from having a small tailor workshop to working for a fashion stop or from working as employee for a carpenter to start up your own carpenter business). Suggested questions:

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of working in employment vs. working self-employed?
  • How can you start working independently?

Finally, discuss with the player the advantages and disadvantages of working in employment versus self-employment.


Roleplay: a few players are playing clients, while the others choose a profession to play. They must try to sell their products to their clients. Discuss good tips and strategies to attract more customers.

Objetivos de aprendizaje específicos

Learn what is needed to become involved in a job and how to start a business.

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