Rhythm ready

Coordination and rhythm energizer.

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inglésEste es el texto original en inglés. Regrese a la traducción español.

Una guía paso a paso para jugar el juego.


Everyone stand or sits in a circle. One person starts and determines the rhythm. He / she says “rhythm ready” followed by his / her name and a name of someone else in the circle.


The other one has to follow in the same rhythm and says “rhythm ready” followed by his name and the name of someone else. On the word “rhythm” everyone slaps their legs with both hands (1). On the word “ready” everyone claps their hands (2). When the person who’s saying this, his own name is being called, everyone points with their right thumb over their right shoulder (3) and when they call the other one’s name with their left thumb over their left shoulder (4).


Then it starts again.

Información extra del juego

It's a cool game to start memorizing the names of other people in a new group.

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