My Support Team: My Social Map

Visualize and understand your social support network by creating a social map through interactive activities and discussions.

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Paso 1

Create some cards

Create some question cards for the players with the following questions:

  • "Who do you turn to when you feel sad?"
  • "Who helps you with your homework?"
  • "Who do you engage in physical activities with?"
  • "Who provides you with practical help, like finances or housing?"
  • "Who provides you with the most practical advice?"
  • "Who do you share your happiest moments with?"
  • "Who encourages you to pursue your hobbies and interests?"
  • "Who helps you with tasks or responsibilities, like errands or chores?"

If you have ideas for additional questions, you can add them as well.

¡Buen trabajo!

Una guía paso a paso para jugar el juego.


Give each player a large piece of paper or poster board, markers, pens, coloured pencils, and sticky notes or small cards.


Have players draw themselves at the center of their paper.


Ask players to think of key individuals who support them and write each person’s name on a sticky note or card. They can also draw their support figures. The Support Network Poster can serve as inspiration.


Now it’s time to place these notes around the image they drew of themselves, leaving space between each card.


Players take turns drawing question cards and answering questions about their support network.


After answering each question, players draw lines (using string or yarn) from their central node to the corresponding support person. They can also use pencils to draw the lines.


Players can use different coloured markers or strings to indicate the frequency and type of contact, creating a more detailed map. For example, a green line is for someone who is supporting every week and an orange line is for someone who once a year offers some help.


Players take turns sharing their social maps with the group, explaining the different connections and types of support they receive. Encourage players to share stories about how their support network has helped them in various situations but be mindful of sensitivities and never oblige anyone to share if they don’t want to.


To finish the activity, you can ask players to think about areas where they might need more support and how they can strengthen or expand their social network. Have players write down one or two goals for enhancing their support network and share these goals with the group.

Información extra del juego

Creating a social map is a crucial trauma-informed activity for children, helping them visualize and understand their support networks. This activity enhances emotional literacy, communication, and trust by encouraging children to identify and articulate the roles of supportive individuals in their lives. It empowers them with a sense of control and safety, which is particularly important for those who have experienced trauma and facilitates healing by reinforcing the presence of reliable support systems.

This game is part of the Trauma-Informed Youth Work toolkit, which is designed to create a safe, supportive environment for all participants by acknowledging the impact of trauma on young people and fostering trust and empowerment. By incorporating activities that use indirect methods to explore emotions and behaviours, the toolkit makes sensitive topics more accessible and less intimidating, especially for younger audiences. The teamwork aspects of these activities foster collaboration and support, aligning with trauma-informed principles. This approach promotes healing, resilience, and positive development in every youth engaged, while emphasizing emotional awareness and understanding.

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