
Develop your creativity by making your own mask.

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Tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour jouer à ce jeu

  • Cardboard box of around 25 cm
  • Paper plates and/or pieces of cardboard
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Paint
  • Bottle caps
  • Educational game CRAFTS C1

Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


The players make a mask by following the different steps on the game board in chronological order. 


A choice can be made between making a mask of a monkey or a mask of a king (see additional game info). 


Play! The players wear their masks, invent a theatre play and perform it. 

Informations supplémentaires sur le jeu

These are the steps to make the two masks:


  • Head & eyes: Cut out the bottom part of the cardboard box and put the box on your head. Ask someone to draw two circles on the outside, at the height of your eyes. Cut out the two circles.
  • Mouth: Glue a paper plate onto the box, underneath the eyes.
  • Ears: Cut two circles from two other paper plates/pieces of cardboard, fold them a little bit and glue them onto both sides of the box.
  • Face: Paint the monkey and draw its mouth, nose, eyes, eyebrows, …


  • Head & eyes: Draw a circle in the middle of a paper plate. Hold the plate in front of your head, draw two circles near your eyes and cut them out.
  • Face: Paint the eyes, the nose, the mouth, … and let it dry.
  • Crown: Cut the crown from a paper plate/piece of cardboard and glue some bottle caps onto it.
  • Hair: Glue pieces of wool onto the inside of the crown, at the bottom, and glue the crown with the hair onto the face.
  • Moustache: Cut a piece of wool of 30 cm for the moustache and glue this onto the face, underneath the nose. 


  • To make the activity easier: make an example the players can look at and/or cut the different parts of the mask(s) in advance. 
  • The players can design their own masks e.g. a lion, a crocodile, a policeman...

Objectifs d'apprentissage spécifiques

  • Stimulate concentration.
  • Stimulate and develop fine motor skills.
  • Understand instructions based on illustrations.

Ce que les gens ont dit à propos de ce jeu

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