Luck & Challenges

Shake your shyness away and boost your confidence.

2 évaluations & commentaires

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Tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour jouer à ce jeu

  • Number wheel
  • Plane table
  • Token (any small item on hand)



Étape 1

Make the Number Wheel

On a round piece of paper, separate the circle in 10 parts and number them.

You can also colour them.


Étape 2

Make the Plane Table

On a piece of paper, draw 10 boxes. Starting at the bottom of the paper, draw 4 of them one in top of the other, then 2, one next to the other. One more on top of the previous two, followed by another two on top next to each other and finally one at the very top. (Use the picture provided to create the Plane Table).

Number the boxes from 1 to 10 (1 at the bottom, 10 at the top).

Add in each box a challenge or lucky steps.

Bon travail!

Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


With the eyes closed, point to a number on the Number Wheel.


Move the token to the number you pointed at and read the text in the box.


Follow the instructions and complete the task. The game ends when all tasks have been completed or when all the players have completed a number of tasks.

Informations supplémentaires sur le jeu

Game created by Deyna and Jhoselin from Bolivia, Street Child United Young Leaders.


The plane table can be drawn with more boxes, in case of drawing more than 10 boxes, don't make the Number Wheel bigger, leave it with 10 number only, and play it the same way.

Ce que les gens ont dit à propos de ce jeu

Sander Degeling

Partnership Coordinator Africa & Asia StreetwiZe • Mobile School BE

1 septembre, 2020


Love the rotation disc and the game board, colourful and attractive! Thank you for sharing the game Street Child United, Deyna and Jhoselin.

Lies De Vocht

Content & Communication Officer StreetwiZe • Mobile School BE

1 septembre, 2020


Thank you for sharing this game. It is easy to play once you have the materials. I think especially young kids will enjoy it. I see also a lot of potential to add different challenges, depending on the age of the children or even to adapt it to the social distancing needs (COVID-19).

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