we travel europe

a road trip of europe to learn about the countries, flags and landmarks

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Tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour jouer à ce jeu

  • a dice
  • 2 boards we created

Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


see the 'extra game information panel' which has no character limit =]

Informations supplémentaires sur le jeu

Rules of the game = travel eu

Preparation of the game


The educator puts the board on display and asks which kids want to play the game.

It is a competitive game where two teams play against each other. If the teams have multiple players per teams, they each take turns.

The goal of the game is to make a trip of Europe between point A and B whilst visiting as many countries as possible BUT BEWARE each team only has limited resources

The educator defines city A and B. both teams start from the same location (A) and have to reach the same destination (B). The educator puts the white pin in starting location A and the red pin in end location B (capital)

Each teams start with 50 resources

Every team has to select a coloured pin, green and blue are available

The game requires a dice to play.


Game progression – how to play every round


A team takes a dice and rolls it.

The team can only move as many steps as the eyes of the dice roll, but they can decide to stop sooner (eg if a user rolls a 5 they can stop after 3 steps when they have reached a country that is in their interest). A player can move up and down and right and left freely.

The moving of the player causes the player to consume resources. Every step a player takes consumes 1 resource. The player has to calculate how many resources he has left and adapt the resource board (sliders 2 and 3)

If they haven’t visited the country yet they have to learn something about it

There are 3 wheels with increasing difficulty. The first level is the name of the country. The second level is the flag of the country and the third level is a landmark of local speciality.

If the player answers the question correctly by pointing the arrow on the dial to the proper answer the hole in the dial will highlight the color of the country the player is on. The player can also increase his correct answer slider (slider 1) by one.

If the player answers it wrong, he has to try again the next round and loses 3 resources


Termination of the game


The game ends when both teams have no resources left, or when they have visited all countries and have arrived at the end destination. The winner is the player who reached the destination while having visited the most countries (irrespective of the resources left)


Variant a:

This is a more basic variant for smaller kids, requires and educator

The educators points to a country. The kids turn the wheels to the correct colour and so learns the correct country name or flag or landmark


Variants b:

The educator can learn the kids to say hi in 10 different languages – the words are underlined in the colour of the country and randomly drawn on the second board






Objectifs d'apprentissage spécifiques

realize the world is bigger than their neighbourhood and when they develop their talents they can explore it one day

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