TikTok Game

Release your energy and create your own stylish sequence of movements and dance moves during this fun movement game

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Tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour jouer à ce jeu

  • Game board



Étape 1

Make the game board (1)

The game board consists of two different elements. On the left hand side, add a '1' or a '2' for the number of repetitions. Make sure you're able to hide the options with a door or with a post-it.


Étape 2

Make the game board (2)

The second element to add are the dance moves. In the example attached, 8 dance moves were added in two columns of 4. Examples are: kick the ball, robot dance, jump in the air, kick the ball, turn around, cricket move etc... Feel free to add more moves and to add the moves you like!

Bon travail!

Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


Gather a group of players in front of the TikTok panel. Then ask them first about how many repetitions they want to make for the moves. For example: the first move, 1! The second move, 2! The third move, 1! The fourth move, 2!


Then, continue with selecting the dance moves, by giving the children the chance to choose between two moves on the same row. For example: do you pick jumping in the air or kicking the ball? The children give their answer for the four moves in total.


Now you have made your sequence! The facilitator starts by giving the rhythm, and the group acts out the total number of repetitions for each move. Make sure this part is releasing all the energy in the group!


Afterwards, feel free to repeat the exercise again with other moves and another number of repetitions.

Informations supplémentaires sur le jeu

This game was developed during a StreetwiZe leadership programme with employees of Exellys, in collaboration with the Red Cross centre for asylum seekers in Pelt.


Feel free to add more repetitions or dance moves to the panel to make it more attractive for the children.

Ce que les gens ont dit à propos de ce jeu

Sander Degeling

Partnership Coordinator Africa & Asia StreetwiZe • Mobile School BE

23 novembre, 2022


Children will love the interactive, energetic character of this game which allows you to create your own sequence of movements and dance movements. For a group, it’s a great way to start a session or to get energised again after a break! Feel free to add new moves depending on the target audience. Highly recommended!

Elke Claes

Kindergarten teacher De Groene School BE

23 novembre, 2022


Nice way to get the group moving and to perform a tiktok dance. Even children who are not creative in coming up with movements can easily put together a dance in this way. Love to try this out!

Pam Franken

StreetSmart Impact Coordinator StreetSmart • Mobile School vzw BE

29 novembre, 2022


Such a fun energiser to release all the energy in the group. A game that can be played by anyone! Nice that the players have a say in which moves they want to make a dance with. I'm looking forward to trying this out with a group of children!

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