Go To The Market

Gather your food supplies at the market, but watch out for the thief!

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Tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour jouer à ce jeu

  • Food cards with vegetables, chicken, meat, rice, beans, fruit, clean water. Look on the internet for these different pictures or draw them yourself. Print them out and laminate them.
  • Materials to mark the "market" and "safety" zone.



Étape 1

Food cards

Create your own food cards by cutting paper and drawing all kinds of food on the cards.

Bon travail!

Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


Tell the players that in this game we are going to look at why every child has a right to clean and nutritious food and what happens if you don't get it.


Mark a playing area with a "safety zone" and a "market zone" at both opposite ends of the field (see image).


Divide the players into several teams (depending on the number of players) and have them stand behind the "safety" zone.


Ask one (or two) volunteers to be the "thief" (cf. the "barking dog" in the image) who will stand inside the playing zone.


When the facilitator calls "Go to the market", the team has one player at a time run across the playing field and they try to reach the "market" zone on the other side of the field without being tackled by the thief. If the player successfully runs to the "market" zone without being tapped, they receive a food card.


After taking a food card, the player must run back to the "Home/Security" zone without being tapped by the thief.


If the player is tagged while running from the "Safety" zone to the "Market", that player must return to his group and send another player to run. If the player is tagged while running from the "market" to the "safety zone", that player must drop the food card on the "market" and return to his group and send another player to run.


The group that gets six different food cards first wins!


At the end of the game, you can gather the players in a circle to discuss the right to survive (see additional game information).

Informations supplémentaires sur le jeu

Discussion questions
  • Was it easy or difficult for you to get the food from the market? Why?
  • What kind of food did you get? Are they healthy or unhealthy? Why?
  • Why do you need to eat clean food and water?
  • What happens if you don't get the right food and clean water?
  • Do you think every child has the right to have access to healthy food? Why or why not?
  • From your own experience, have you heard of or know someone who did not have access to healthy food or nutrition? How does that affect them?
  • What can you do to ensure the right to healthy food for you and your peers in your community?

Source: Right to Play International Team. (2014). Playing for our rights - Children's World Playbook. DFATD. https://www.icsspe.org/system/files/Right%20to%20Play%20-%20Play%20For%20Our%20Rights%20%20For%20us%20by%20us.pdf

This game is part of the 'All Children, All Right(s)!' toolkit, which focuses on promoting the right to survival.

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