Colour Roll Bingo

Improve your cognitive skills by matching colours and numbers to find the right picture.

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Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


Gather 2 or more players and distribute the bingo posters.


Create a matrix by labeling the top row with colours and the left column with numbers. Make sure it’s different for both posters (see photo)


Roll two dice - one with numbers and one with colours - to determine which box the players should look for.


Players search for the corresponding box on their bingo card and place a bottle cap on the image.


The first player to complete a row (vertically, horizontally, or diagonally) calls out "bingo" and wins the round.


For younger players:

  • Give each player a bingo poster and give them all the corresponding bingo cards separately.
  • Players must sort and match each item to the correct space on their bingo poster as fast as possible.

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