Basic Needs Detective

Become a real detective and guess what basic needs are missing, a game that promotes critical thinking and problem solving skills.

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Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


Gather the children and show them the bingo-poster with the basic needs.


Tell a little story or act out a situation where someone is missing one of the basic needs. (e.g. enter the room looking sad and tired. Act out a scene where you are trying to sleep but can't because you are uncomfortable on the floor. What is missing? (Bed, pillow) This can be repeated with different scenarios and basic needs, such as pretending to be hungry because there is no food or needing to use the bathroom but there is no toilet available.)


After the story/situation, the children must guess which basic need is missing.


To help them, they can use the bingo-poster as a guideline and try to identify which item is missing.


The first child to correctly guess the missing basic need earns a point.


Play several rounds, with different stories or situations and different missing basic needs and keep score to determine a winner at the end.

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