Symphony Safari

Spin the discs with instruments and animals and act out the results during this creative game.

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Tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour jouer à ce jeu

  • Rotation disc with 12 instruments
  • Rotation disc with 12 animals
  • Chalk (to mark a space on the ground)



Étape 1

Create the two rotation discs

Make a disc with different instruments on it. Add an arrow and a split pin so participants can turn the disc. Do the same with the second disc, but add animals instead of instruments.

Bon travail!

Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


To start the game, draw 2 lines on the ground - not to far from each other. Between these lines, players will need to act out the instruments and the animals from the discs.


Ask a player to spin the disc with instruments. The arrow will land on a specific instrument: f.ex. a trumpet. Then ask the player to walk between the lines while acting out a trumpet.


Then, ask the same player to spin the disc with animals: f.ex. a dog. Again, the player acts out the dog while walking between the two lines.


As a third step, the player needs to combine both the instrument and the animal, in this case: a dog that plays trumpet. The players try to act it out as creatively as possible.


Optionally, you can ask the other players to give a score to the other players. Be careful this might be disempowering as well! The game ends when all the players have acted out at least 1 combination.

Informations supplémentaires sur le jeu

This game was developed during a StreetwiZe open leadership programme, in collaboration with the Red Cross centre for asylum seekers in Pelt.

Ce que les gens ont dit à propos de ce jeu

Pam Franken

StreetSmart Impact Coordinator StreetSmart • Mobile School vzw BE

1 décembre, 2023


This game is a fun and imaginative way to get players acting out creative combinations!

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