Being Together

Learn how to express how you feel about different real life situations with the help of this self-designed discussion panel.

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Étape 1

Create the Being Together board (1)

On the left and right hand side of the panel, draw a couple of standard emoji's (happy, sad, angry, surprised etc...).


Étape 2

Create the Being Together board (2)

In boxes next to the emoji's, draw a couple of real life situations. For example: play a game, have a discussion with a friend etc ...


Étape 3

Create the Being Together board (3)

In the middle of the board, design your own discussion panel by pasting some situations in a real life environment (f.ex. a city, a park ...)

Bon travail!

Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


Gather a group of players in front of the board. Ask one player to look at the different situations in the middle of the board and select one.


Ask the player how he/she feels about this situation and if he/she can find an emoji around the board to link to the situation. If the team has drawn some other situations around the discussion board, ask the players if they can find other situations that are linked to the same emotion.


The game ends when all the emotions are discussed.

Informations supplémentaires sur le jeu

This game was developed during a StreetwiZe leadership programme with employees of Exellys, in collaboration with Youth Institution De Zande.


The game can be started with a situation or with an emoji, depending on the group.

Ce que les gens ont dit à propos de ce jeu

Sander Degeling

Partnership Coordinator Africa & Asia StreetwiZe • Mobile School BE

5 décembre, 2023


This game is a valuable tool for fostering emotional intelligence and building stronger connections within groups. By playing the Being Together game, you can promote a sense of togetherness and understanding among players, while sharing personal experiences with different situations and emotions.

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