Peaceful Nights

Create a dream catcher to help bring peace and ease to your mind during the night.

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Tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour jouer à ce jeu

  • A hoop or ring (metal, wood, or plastic)
  • Yarn or string
  • Feathers
  • Beads
  • Scissors
  • Glue (optional)
  • Small decorations (optional, such as fabric scraps, charms, etc.)
  • Step-by-step visual plan (see PDF)

Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


Share the story behind dream catchers, explaining that they are traditional Native American objects designed to catch bad dreams and allow good dreams to pass through. Emphasize that making a dream catcher can help bring peace and calm during the night. 


Prepare the hoop. Select what material you want to use as a base: metal, wood, plastic... Now take a long piece of yarn or string and tie one end to the hoop. Wrap the yarn around the hoop tightly, covering the entire hoop if desired. Secure the end with a knot. You can use glue for extra security. 


Create the web inside the hoop. Tie a piece of yarn to the top of the hoop, leaving a small tail. Move around the hoop, creating a loop and pulling the yarn through to form a knot. Continue this pattern around the hoop. Keep the knots evenly spaced but not too tight. 


After completing the first round, continue looping the yarn through the middle of each segment created in the first round. Repeat the process until you reach the centre, leaving a small hole in the middle. Now tie a knot at the end of the yarn and trim any excess. 


Now it's time to decorate! String beads onto pieces of yarn or string. Attach feathers to the ends by tying or glueing them in place. Add any additional small decorations to personalize the dream catcher. 


To finalize your dream catcher, you can tie a piece of yarn or string at the top of the hoop to make a loop for hanging your dream catcher. 

Informations supplémentaires sur le jeu

The crafting process of dream catchers opens the conversation on nighttime peace. Explain how the dream catcher can help catch bad dreams and allow good dreams to flow through. Encourage the players to hang their dream catcher above their bed to help bring comfort and peace during the night. 


  • Ask the players to share what they hope their dream catcher will do for them. 
  • Talk about the importance of good dreams and restful sleep.


Print the step-by-step visual plan if you feel the players need additional visual support in creating the dream catchers.

This game is part of the toolkit ‘Facing trauma - A toolkit on trauma-informed support for children and youth’. This toolkit is a cooperation between StreetSmart, Minor-Ndako, Save the Children Romania & SolidarityNow, cofinanced by the European Union. It provides simple tools to explore important topics like trauma, stress, self-care and emotions in a way that’s easy to use with different target groups.


Let the players create a dream catcher for their family, friends ...

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