Make your own fidget tool!

Create your own fidget tool to help manage anxiety, improve focus or simply to keep your hands busy.

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Tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour jouer à ce jeu

Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


Select one of the six fidget tools to make (see additional game information) or use your creativity to invent your own. 


Collect all the necessary materials for your chosen tool (see materials).


Follow the detailed steps (see additional game information) for each tool. 


Take your personalised fidget tool with you wherever you go to help manage anxiety, improve focus or simply to keep your hands busy. 

Informations supplémentaires sur le jeu

Fiddle Key Ring
  1. Open one of the metal key rings. 
  2. Add 2 or 3 pony beads on them. 
  3. Repeat with the additional key rings and link them together. 

Fidget Paper Clip 
  1. Choose 6 to 10 perler breads (depending on the size of the paper clip).
  2. Thread the beads onto the paper clip.

Or use a shoelace instead of a paper clip, knotting the ends to secure the beads.

Endless Cube
  1. Fold one piece of paper in half to get the halfway fold mark.
  2. Open up the square and fold each side edge to the crease line you created in Step 1.
  3. Fold the smallest edges over to create a halfway crease going the other way. Then, open up what you folded and fold the smaller edges into crease line you created.
  4. Repeat five more times using different colours.
  5. This is very tricky to explain. But, you are basically creating a small 3D cube by interlacing each of the folded squares.
  6. Repeat Steps 1- 5 until you have 8 perfect little 3D cubes. Place all 8 boxes in 2 rows with the same colour showing.
  7. Sticky tape the 2 boxes at each end together, horizontally.
  8. Pull the hinge back on each end and sticky tape the opposite side.
  9. Fold the two ends back to the same colour and pick up all 8 blocks and place them on the side.
  10. Now, sticky tape the 2 boxes at each end together.
  11. Pull the hinge back on both ends and tape the other side. Like you did in step 8.
  12. Pick up all 8 boxes and turn over to the other side. Repeat steps 10 and 11.
  13. Finally, turn all 8 blocks over to the opposite side you started on. They should all have the same colour showing…
  14. Stick the remaining 4 blocks together.

  1. Take a bowl for your slime mixture. 
  2. Mix equal parts cornstarch and hair conditioner (add a scented conditioner and your slime will smell amazing) in a bowl. 
  3. Start mixing it together. If the mixture is too wet add more cornstarch and if it is too dry add more hair conditioner. Just keep mixing til you get a super cool soft dough like consistency.
  4. Add food colouring for a splash of colour if you wish. 

Fidget Spinner
  1. Cut out the spinner from the template. 
  2. Transfer the template to cardboard and cut it out (Join two pieces of cardboard together if necessary).
  3. Decorate the fidget spinner as you like. 
  4. Glue the three coins to the fidget spinner with glue and let it dry.
  5. Cut the two circles from the template, draw on cardboard and cut out.
  6. Fold the template to determine the center point of the spinner.
  7. Take your needle and make a hole in the center, make it bigger with your toothpick.
  8. Find the center of both discs and make a hole with your toothpick. (Don't make it too big).
  9. Assemble your fidget spinner (disc, spinner, disc). Use glue on both discs and let dry.
  10. Shorten your toothpick.

Stress ball
  1. Cut a 25 cm square piece of fabric.
  2. Place a small cup of rice or beans in the center of the fabric square. 
  3. Securely tie the fabric closed with a rope, or sew it shut with a needle and threat, then trim any excess fabric to form a compact ball. 
  4. Decorate the fabric ball using markers, pearls, paint and yarn to personalise it. 


This game is part of the toolkit ‘Facing trauma - A toolkit on trauma-informed support for children and youth’. This toolkit is a cooperation between StreetSmart, Minor-Ndako, Save the Children Romania & SolidarityNow, cofinanced by the European Union. It provides simple tools to explore important topics like trauma, stress, self-care and emotions in a way that’s easy to use with different target groups.


  • Let the players use their creativity to invent and create their own fidget tool.
  • Give the players the option to either create a fidget tool for themselves or craft one as a thoughtful gift for someone else. 

Objectifs d'apprentissage spécifiques

  • Design and create a fidget tool.
  • Use a fidget tool to relieve stress, reduce tension in your body, and focus your attention away from worrying thoughts.

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