Marble Battle

Learn more about history by playing a competitive game against each other.

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Tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour jouer à ce jeu

  • 2 marbles
  • sticks
  • flash cards with questions about the different historical time periods (pink)
  • flash cards with things you can mimic from the different time periods (orange)
  • flash cards with things you can draw from the different time periods
  • Large cardboard
  • Coloured paper
  • Pencils
  • Scissor
  • 2 tubes from f.ex. kitch paper
  • Cardboard
  • Tape or glue
  • split pin



Étape 1

Take the 2 tubes and puncture them
  • Be careful with scissors.
  • You can make 9 holes in the tubes. Make sure the holes are the same size as the sticks you will use.

Étape 2

Stick the tubes to both sides of the large cardboard
  • Stick the tubes with glue or tape.

Étape 3

Make two small boxes to stick below the tubes
  • Use the other cardboard to create two small boxes.

Étape 4

Create a disk from cardboard
  • Cut out a circle from the cardboard.
  • Divide it in 4 equal parts by colouring them in different colours.
  • Cut out a little arrow from the cardboard.
  • Attach the disk and the little arrow to the large cardboard with a split pin.

Étape 5

Write down the different historical time periods on coloured paper
  • Cut out each time period and stick it to the large cardboard in the right order.
Bon travail!

Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


Create two teams.


Each team starts in the Prehistory.


One team starts and spins the disk. Depending on where the arrow stops you will have to perform a different task (see additional information). The task will have to do is linked with the time period. For example: Roman and Greek era combined with orange, could be: mimic a gladiator.


Your team will have to guess what you are performing/drawing.


If you do the task correctly, you can pull out one stick of your tube and your marble falls down to the next level and/or time period.


Now the other team can play.


If you spin the disk to blue, you can play two times as a team. If you do the task correctly twice, you can put an extra stick in the tube of the other team. This way they will need more steps to finish the game.


The game finishes when one team reaches the end of the tube and the marble falls down in the box at the end.

Informations supplémentaires sur le jeu


  • Pink = answer a question
  • Orange = mimic something
  • Blue = play a second time
  • Green = draw something

Different cards with historical time periods on: Prehistory, Roman and Greek era, Middle Ages, Modern era and Contemporary era.

Two tubes that function as score boards during the game. Each tube is blocked with small sticks that will stop the marble multiple times at each time period. At the end of the tube there is a small box to catch the marble.


If you want to change the topic, you can easily transform the game from 'history' to for example 'sports' by changing the cards alongside the tubes.

Objectifs d'apprentissage spécifiques

  • Learning about the historical time periods.

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