Don't Twaste It

Make strategic decisions on which items to purchase with limited resources during this fun board game.

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Tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour jouer à ce jeu

  • 2x large cardboard
  • Pencils
  • 5 split pins
  • coloured paper
  • Scissors
  • Extra cardboard
  • Rope



Étape 1

Game board 1: the goose board
  • Draw a meandering path with different squares.
  • Each time the loop crosses over, you have a life changing moment (f.ex. studying, marrying, buying a house, retirement...).
  • There are JOB squares (see image).
  • There are DO IT squares (see image).
  • There are T-squares (see image).

Étape 2

Game board 2: score board + turning discs
  • Cut out 5 circles in different colours.
  • Pin them to the bottom of your board with the split pins.
  • The score board goes on top of the board.

Étape 3

Write on the circles
  • DO IT - squares: f.ex. tell a joke, run around something...
  • The four other discs represent a job (f.ex. sales person, soccer player, gang member...). For each of the professions, different actions are described on the disk. With some of the actions you will win points (+1), while others will make you lose points (-1).

Étape 4

Score board
  • Attach rope to the cardboard.
  • Stick small cards around the rope to serve as score board. Each card represents 1 point.
Bon travail!

Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


Gather four players to play the game. Every player gets a starting budget of 5 coins.


Throw the dice and move forward on the board. If you reach an intersection, you can choose if you take the long way (spiral) or if you take the short way. However, if a player reaches a life changing decision (pink squares), he/ she needs to stop.


If a player lands on the JOB square, the player will choose a profession depicted on the second game board. From now on, the player will always spin the disc of this profession when landing on the 'turn the disc' square.


If a player lands on the DO IT-square, he/ she will need to spin the other disc and complete the task indicated by the disc.


Along the way, players will need to invest their resources carefully. The objective of the game is to have as much coins as possible by the end of the game (retirement square). However, a player will need a minimum of 5 coins in order to be able to retire.


After the game, start up a discussion with the children to discuss about their investments and why they have gained/lost some of their resources along the way.

Ask questions like:

  • What would you change if you could?
  • Why did you invest in certain things?
  • Why did you choose the long or short way?
  • Do you think taking the long way has some benefits?
  • ...

Informations supplémentaires sur le jeu

Two different game boards are needed to play the game:

  • The game board with a meandering path with different squares. The path will lead you through certain stages in life (job, marriage, studies, buy a house, retirement...).
  • The second game board contains a scoreboard and 5 different rotation discs. One disc is used for the DO IT-exercises, such as tell a joke, run around something, etc. The other four discs represent a specific profession (sales person, soccer player, gang member...). For each of the professions, different actions are described on the disk. With some of these actions you will win points (+1), while others will make you lose points (-1).

Objectifs d'apprentissage spécifiques

  • Learn how to deal with scarce resources.
  • Learn how to make conscious and strategic decisions.

Ce que les gens ont dit à propos de ce jeu

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