Discover the world

An exciting quiz to learn about different countries by getting to know capitals, famous monuments and national animals.

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Étape 1

Game Board 1: Topics, monuments, animals, flags & capitals
  • Cut out the cardboard in a square shape
  • Cut out 4 arrows from the rest of the cardboard
  • Draw 4 circles on the board
  1. The first one contains three colours: red (animals), blue (monuments) and green (flags and capitals)
  2. The second disc is the green disc and refers to the flags and capitals. Divide the disc in 8 pieces and add a flag and the capital city to each square. For example: Russia (Moscow), Japan (Tokyo), Belgium (Brussels), Kenya (Nairobi), Poland (Warsaw), Peru (Lima), Haïti (Port-au-Prince), Sierra Leone (Freetown)...
  3. The third disc is the blue disc and refers to different monuments. Divide the disc in 8 pieces and add a monument to each part. For example: Eiffel Tower, Christo Redentor, Hassan II Mosque, Pyramids of Gizeh, Chinese Wall, Taj Mahal, Statue of Liberty, Blue Mosque...
  4. The fourth disc is the red disc and refers to different animals. Divide the disc in 8 pieces and add an animal to each part. For example: panda, kangaroo, elephant, bison, anaconda, polar bear, lion, monkey ...

Étape 2

Game Board 2: Map of the world
  • Print the map of the world or draw a world map on a carton board
  • Draw a line from a country to an open space on the map. Then, draw a square and make the drawing of the corresponding animal, flag or monument. Cover the drawing with a piece of paper or a small post-it so the drawing is hidden.
  • Colour the cover in blue (monument), red (animal) or green (flag).
  • Make sure you add all the 24 (3 times 8) elements from the discs on the map.
Bon travail!

Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


Put the panels next to each other on the ground and divide the group in two teams.


The first team turns the first topic disc. The arrow will land on one of the three squares: animals, monuments or flags/capitals.


Then, the player turns the disc of the corresponding topic.


The player tries to find the animal, the capital or the monument the arrow points at on the big map by opening the doors. The colour of the doors corresponds to the colours used on the topics disc: red for animals, green for flags/capitals and blue for monuments.


When a player finds the corresponding drawing on the map, the team gets one point.


The first team to get 5 points wins the game.


  • Make sure to choose countries, animals and monuments that are relevant for your region.

Objectifs d'apprentissage spécifiques

• Learn about countries and their specific characteristics

Ce que les gens ont dit à propos de ce jeu

Arnoud Raskin

Social Entrepreneur StreetwiZe • Mobile School BE

19 septembre, 2019


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