World Twister

Learn to locate different countries on a map while playing an interactive game of Twister!

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Tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour jouer à ce jeu

  • Pens and coloured markers
  • 2 Carton Boards
  • 2 Split Pens
  • Chalk
  • Optional: big paper or carpet for the Twister pitch



Étape 1

Board 1: Twister Wheel
  • Cut a square shape out of a carton board
  • Draw a big circle on the square carton board
  • Cut out an arrow (the same size as the circle) of the leftover carton
  • Attach the arrow with a split pen in the middle of the circle, so you get a spinning disc.
  • Divide the square in 4 pieces.
  • Draw a left hand in the upper left corner and a right hand in the upper right corner.
  • Then, draw a left foot in the lower left corner and a right foot in the lower right corner.


Étape 2

Board 2: Country Wheel
  • Cut a square shape out of a carton board
  • Draw a big circle on the square carton board
  • Cut out an arrow (the same size as the circle) of the leftover carton
  • Attach the arrow with a split pen in the middle of the circle, so you get a spinning disc.
  • Divide the square in 16 pieces.
  • Each square will get the flag and the name of a country (Belgium, Germany, United Kingdom, Argentina, Kenya, China, India...)


Étape 3

Board 3: Twister Pitch

IMPORTANT: for this you can use a big carpet (2x2metres) or you can draw it with chalk on the ground.

  • Make an outline of a world map on the carpet or on the ground. You can also choose to only draw one continent
  • Put papers with the flag and the name of country on the name to locate the different countries.
Bon travail!

Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


Prepare the Twister pitch and gather a group of players in front of the two discs. Each player will play individually.


The first player turns the Twister Wheel. It will land for example on the right hand.


Then, the players turns the Country Wheel. It will land for example on India.


The player will now need to put his right hand on India on the Twister pitch. After, the next player will spin both discs before placing a hand or foot on the pitch.


If all players haven taken their turn, play a second turn. The educator will turn the discs, and the player will then need to play another body part on the map.


If a player falls down or can't fulfill a task, he is out of the game!


The game ends when there is only one player left!


Be creative with the Twister Pitch! If drawing a world map takes you too much time, try to draw a more abstract outline of your continent. Make sure to adapt the Country Wheel!

Objectifs d'apprentissage spécifiques

  • Learn to locate countries on a map

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