Getting the message

Thinking about different ways we can communicate messages.

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anglaisCeci est le texte d'origine en anglais. Retournez à la traduction du/de l' français.

Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


Divide participants in to two groups: one group will be the 'audience' and the other will be the 'messenger'.


Ask one group to stand at one end of the room and then, making sure the others cannot hear, explain to them they must convey the emotion you tell them to the other group without saying the word. For example, you might want them to show to the other group they are 'angry': they might shout, shake their fists, use certain words (encourage them to keep it polite).


Explain to the other group they must guess what emotion the others are trying to convey to them and that they will keep going until they have guessed it correctly.


Repeat the exercise a few times, using different emotions (happy, sad, calm, etc.).


Bring the group back together and reflect on the different ways we could tell how the 'messengers' were feeling. Ask how it made the audience feel.


Explore different ways of communicating through a range of voice, tone and language. When would it be appropriate to use different methods? Which are most effective and why?

Objectifs d'apprentissage spécifiques

By the end of this activity, participants will have thought about the different ways we communicate what we want to convey.

Ce que les gens ont dit à propos de ce jeu

Sander Degeling

Partnership Coordinator Africa & Asia StreetwiZe • Mobile School BE

27 septembre, 2019


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