Bounce around the world

Let the ball be your teacher and learn fun facts and specific characteristics about different countries.

1 évaluations & commentaires

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Tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour jouer à ce jeu

  • Board (world map)
  • Two sided cards (for countries)
  • 4 envelopes
  • A small (bouncing) ball
  • Colors (paint, crayons,...)
  • Optionally: blind world map



Étape 1

Create the board (world map)

Draw a blind world map on a piece of carton and colour the countries.


Étape 2

Add the envelopes

Attach 4 envelopes to the world map, one for each continent: Americas, Europe, Africa and Asia.


Étape 3

Create the cards

Make the country cards by adding the name of a country on one side and a fun fact (or flag, monument, characteristic...) on the other side of the card. Put the cards in the right envelope.

Bon travail!

Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


Throw or bounce the (bouncing) ball to one of the envelopes on the panel.


Pull a card from the envelope you just hit.


Read the country name and let the team(s) find the country on the map as quickly as possible.


Share the (fun) fact on the back of the card with the group.

Informations supplémentaires sur le jeu


  • Read the (fun) fact first and try to match the country instead
  • Use flags instead of fun facts
  • Make a regional map instead of a world map

Ce que les gens ont dit à propos de ce jeu

Mobile School NPO

Mobile School NPO BE

27 février, 2020


Not really innovative but easy to play and fun activity to learn more about different continents and countries in the world! However, make sure to look up extra information for each country before you start preparing the activity, because you will need to create the country cards and detailed information to put on the cards is not provided. Suggestion: combine this activity with other geographic maps!

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