Hot air-balloon of Rights

Collect all the balloons in a hot air-balloon of children's rights!

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Everything you need to play this game

  • colorful papers
  • scissors
  • thread
  • markers
  • glue

A step-by-step guide to play the game


Start with a general discussion about children's rights. Use the general overview poster as a guideline.

  • What rights do they know?
  • How important is it to know your rights?
  • What rights are respected and/or violated in their country, at school?
  • ...

Have each player make their own balloon. Let them choose their favourite colour on paper and have them draw a balloon. Cut out the balloon with scissors.


Have the children write some rights on their balloon: a right they like, a right they remember, a right they enjoy .... The general overview poster of children's rights can function as an inspiration source.


Then glue a piece of thread to the bottom of the balloon.


The children glue all the balloons together and all the threads end up on the bottom. Here they can put in a basket or a picture of a child or themselves.


Go through the individual balloons and ask the players why they chose to add these specific rights in their balloon:

  • Why did you add this right to your balloon?
  • Why is this right important to you?
  • Are there other players choosing the same right?
  • ...

Extra game information

This game is part of the 'All Children, All Right(s)!' toolkit, which focuses on promoting children's rights.

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