The Colour Monster

Help the colour monster to declutter his emotions!

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Everything you need to play this game

  • Chalk
  • A box with the image of the Colour Monster (see materials)
  • A box
  • Image of the Colour Monster
  • Coloured pebbles or bottle caps in pink, yellow, blue, green, red and black (2 of each)

Make it yourself


Step 1

Make the Box of the Colour Monster
  • Cut and paste the picture of the colour monster onto the box (see png).
  • Add the coloured pebbles or bottle caps to the box.
Good job!

A step-by-step guide to play the game


All players work together to help the Colour Monster declutter his emotions.


The first player starts by picking a pebble from the Colour Monster box. 


This player takes the pebble through the movement parcours until he reaches the emotion circles. 


Now he has to throw his pebble in the right coloured circle. So if he took a blue pebble from the Colour Monster, he has to aim to the blue part of the circle. 


If the pebble lands in the right place, this player has to reflect on a moment, situation, object,... that reminds him of sadness (blue) (or a situation that another person made sad). If the pebble doesn't land in the right place, he has to take the pebble back to the beginning. 


Watch out! If the pebble lands in the middle circle with the mixed colours, then the Colour Monster's emotions are still mixed up. Once there are three pebbles here, the group has to start all over again.


The game ends when all the pebbles are decluttered and in the right place in the emotion circle. This means the group was able to help the Colour Monster in decluttering his emotions.

Extra game information

This game is part of the toolkit ‘Facing trauma - A toolkit on trauma-informed support for children and youth’. This toolkit is a cooperation between StreetSmart, Minor-Ndako, Save the Children Romania & SolidarityNow, cofinanced by the European Union. It provides simple tools to explore important topics like trauma, stress, self-care and emotions in a way that’s easy to use with different target groups.

Before you start, you should create the playing scene in the place where you will play. You can do this with chalk or with tape. The idea is to create a movement path, where the players have to follow a specific parcours. You can find some inspiration in the images. At the end of the path, you should draw 4 concentric circles, the emotion circle (like the image in the example). Each part of the circle represents a specific colour and emotion. You can write/draw the emotions also inside the circles.

Pink = love, yellow = happiness, black = fear, red = anger, green = calm and blue = sad.

This game is based on a character from Anna Llenas books:


  • Depending on the amount of players, you can add more or less pebbles to the Colour Monster box.
  • If taking a pebble along the movement parcours is too easy, you could ask the players to transport the pebble with a spoon in their mouth, on their head, ... 

Specific learning objectives

  • Learn about the concept of mixed emotions

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