First aid - Comedy

Learn about first aid by exploring different types of injuries with this health theatre game.

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Everything you need to play this game

A step-by-step guide to play the game


Create a scene in with chalk or tape. 


Two players enter the scene as clowns and do all sorts of stupidities that make them fall and get hurt. 


With each portrayed injury, a player from the crowd comes to take care of the wound and applies first aid.


Start a discussion with the audience to discuss if the applied care and approach was good. Suggested questions:

  • What did the players do well when taking care of the wound?
  • Are there better ways to treat the injury?

Repeat the exercise with different clowns/players entering the scene.

Extra game information

The game board shows several situations in which someone gets hurt (e.g. someone gets shot).

Specific learning objectives

  • Raise awareness about the different kinds of wounds and the importance of being careful to prevent accidents or diseases.
  • Know what to do in case someone else gets hurt or needs help.

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