The circle of emotions

By playing this fun game, we learn to express our emotions.

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Everything you need to play this game

  • Pegs
  • Cardboard
  • Coloured pencils
  • A pair of scissors

Make it yourself


Step 1

Draw a circle

Draw a circle on a piece of cardboard.


Step 2

Divide into sections

Divide the circle into 8 sections.


Step 3

Colour the sections

Colour each section with different colours (light colours and dark colours).


Step 4

Cutting, Colouring, Writing

Cut 8 small tabs and color the tabs with a color of our choice.

In each tab write an emotion (4 positive and 4 negative)

Emotions: fear, joy, calm, sadness, hope, guilt, anger, love


Step 5


Paint 4 clothespins in black and 4 clothespins in white.

Good job!

A step-by-step guide to play the game


We give to the child /or to the children the emotions tabs and ask them to place them on the circle in whatever color they think suits each tab.


We give to each child a peg and we ask them to put the black peg on the negative emotions and the white one on the positive emotions.


Then the child selects an emotion he wants to present to the group with pantomime. The other children should guess the emotion. The person who guesses right, presents his emotion to the others.


Finally, the children are invited to share a personal moment in which they experienced the emotion they chose to present. Helpful phrases to start this discussion are: I was very happy when ..., I was very sad when ..., I dream that ...

These phrases are printed on the panel.

Specific learning objectives

This game helps the children to identify and express their emotions.

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