Let's play some games and have fun!

Continue the Children's Right Chain

Let’s make a chain of rights! Let's unite!

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Singing To Create a Rainbow!

Get ready to let your imagination run wild and express your unique personality!

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Where do you stand?

In this discussion activity, people literally stand up for their opinions.

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Do A Step!

You are an animal. Do you have the right to make a move? That depends on which animal you are!

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Hot air-balloon of Rights

Collect all the balloons in a hot air-balloon of children's rights!

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What A Wonderful World

Create a drawing of an environment you would like to reside in and one you wouldn't want to live in. What distinguishes these two environments?

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Protectors and Enemies

The players are divided into the 'right', the 'protectors' and the 'enemies'. The protectors will try to defend the right from the enemies.

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Bring Your Object To Life

Create an object and bring it to life by assigning characters to it.

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Moon and Earth

You have the right to maintain a personal space and decide whether to allow someone to approach or keep a distance from you.

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