Continue the Children's Right Chain

Let’s make a chain of rights! Let's unite!

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inglésEste es el texto original en inglés. Regrese a la traducción español.

Todo lo que necesita para jugar este juego.

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Paso 1

Colourful paper strips

A4 paper cut horizontally into 3 pieces

¡Buen trabajo!

Una guía paso a paso para jugar el juego.


All players and facilitator(s) sit in a circle. Papers (A4) and markers are placed in the middle of the circle.


The facilitator asks the players to grab a paper and a marker and has them draw the first thing that comes to mind when they hear 'Children's Rights'.


When they are ready, the players can present their "art" to the others.


The facilitator starts a discussion about children's rights and human rights in general, for example:

  • Why do children's rights exist?
  • What is the difference between children's rights and human rights?
  • ...

Next, the facilitator gives all players 3 small pieces of paper and asks them to write down a specific right on each piece and draw something of paper that they associate with this specific right. The general overview poster can be used as inspiration source.


When they are all ready, they make a chain with all the pieces of paper: make a circle with a first piece of paper and connect the two corners with a staple. Connect this "ring" to another paper by passing this second paper through the first ring and closing it with a staple. Continue in this way until all the papers are connected.


After this, discuss the importance of all children's rights and the connection between them, i.e. all rights are equally important and they cannot be taken away from children.

Información extra del juego

This game is part of the 'All Children, All Right(s)!' toolkit, which focuses on promoting children's rights.

Lo que la gente dijo sobre este juego

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¿Ha jugado el juego Continue the Children's Right Chain?

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Detalles del juego


Detalles del juego


Detalles del juego


Detalles del juego


Detalles del juego

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