General overview of children's rights: what are children's rights and why do they matter?

Have an introductory discussion on what children's rights are and why they are important with the help of this overview poster.

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Gather the group of players in front of the panel and ask them to briefly explore the image. Do they know what it is about?


Ask one of the players if he/she can explain what children's rights are? Ask additional questions like: why are children's rights important? What are the first things that come up to mind when talking about children's rights? Do you know how many children's rights there are? Make sure all the players can express themselves on what they think about children's rights.


After the group discussion, ask the players to make a drawing on why children's rights matter. Collect all the drawings and show them to the group. It's highly recommended to continue with another activity with this panel or with another panel as described in the activity bundle after this activity.

Información extra del juego

The general overview poster shows all the articles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). The UNCRC consists of 54 articles that set out children’s rights and how governments should work together to make them available to all children. On this child-friendly poster, all the 54 articles are depicted. This poster functions as the main starting point for the All Children, All Rights package. Therefore it's highly recommended to always have this overview poster at hand when doing activities on children's rights.

All children's rights icons used on the posters are created by UNICEF for their child-friendly version of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.


Collect all the drawings of the children an organise an art exhibition with them to raise awareness on children's rights in your community.

Objetivos de aprendizaje específicos

Get familiar with children's rights.

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