
Challenge your strategic thinking and try to destroy the fleet of your opponent.

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inglésEste es el texto original en inglés. Regrese a la traducción español.

Todo lo que necesita para jugar este juego.

Una guía paso a paso para jugar el juego.


Attach the two magnetic panels on opposite sides of the mobile school or away from each other. Make sure the distance is not too big so the players can hear each other.


The players copy the magnetic board (both the circles and the numbers), using a piece of chalk, or with a pen or pencil on a paper.


The players then place the following "ships" on their magnetic panel:

  • a ship of four bottle caps
  • a ship of three bottle caps
  • a ship of two bottle caps

This can be done horizontally, vertically or diagonally.


The players start the game and take turns in guessing the positions of the opponent's ships. Examples of this step: see Additional game info.


The player who manages to find and sink all of his opponent's ships first, wins.

Información extra del juego

Examples step 4 How to play:

Player 1 asks player 2: "do you have a bottle cap on circle 15?" If player 2 does have a bottle cap on that circle, he answers "yes" and player 1 marks it with a piece of chalk on the copied circles. He may also continue guessing. If player 1 has missed it, it is player 2's turn.

If all bottle caps of one single ship have been traced by one player, his opponent says "ship sunk".

Objetivos de aprendizaje específicos

Recognise points and lines and being able to use the terms: line, point, straight, horizontal, vertical, diagonal.

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