Eat the carrot

A fun energizer and ice breaker

1 valoraciones y comentarios

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Todo lo que necesita para jugar este juego.

  • a big carrot

Una guía paso a paso para jugar el juego.


All participants stand in a circle.

Except for 1 person that stands in the middle


The person in the middle has to find the carrot that the people in the circle are holding and passing behind their back.


The persons in the circle can eat from the carrot. The game ends when the carrot is completely eaten.


The person in the middle can point at a person in the circle. That person has to show immediately his hands.

If he is holding the carrot, the 2 persons switch position.

If he was not holding the carrot, the person in the middle stays and has to close his eyes for 3 seconds. During that time, the carrot can be passed on in the circle but not be eaten.


The game ends when the carrot is completely finished. The person in the middle at that moment loses the game.

Información extra del juego

Ask for allergies!


Choose your own vegetable

Lo que la gente dijo sobre este juego

Joke Verreth

Partnership Coordinator Europe & Latin America StreetwiZe • Mobile School BE

18 marzo, 2020


We played this energiser in our team and it is absolutely hilarious. It's a fun and easy game, suitable for players of all ages and it definitely brings positive energy to the group. I can highly recommend it!

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